Aussie Builders surprise public with loud empowering statements

{embedHtml, 0gjsoSY18kg, Aussie Builders surprise public with loud empowering statements, Snickers paired up with Aussie builders to call out empowering statements to unsuspecting members of the public.

This video features members of the general public and their actions and opinions in this video are their own, and these individuals are in no way associated with or endorsed by Mars Australia Pty Ltd, Snickers, or their agencies, representatives or affiliates., .

24 thoughts on “Aussie Builders surprise public with loud empowering statements”

  1. wait when they eat a snickers will they then be “bad guys” or is this after
    they eat a snickers?

  2. You fucking morons. Your company could have done something right but you
    fucked it up. Won’t be supporting Snickers on any continent after this

  3. this is only offensive towards builders, assuming that if they don’t eat
    chocolate they are sexist, i am a builder, i don’t eat snickers, i am not

  4. If this is them when their hungry, i think the perfect solution for
    gender-equality is to start starving men. Thanks snickers, for the
    wonderful idea.

  5. So you’re saying all construction workers are rude and misogynistic unless
    they’re hungry, then they’re all about equality and empowering women ???
    Also, catcalling, whether or not it’s positive or not focusing on the
    woman’s attractiveness or outer qualities, is still pretty evasive and
    probably isn’t welcomed, shown by the general reactions of the people in
    this video.

  6. Sorry what?
    ‘You’re Not You When You’re Hungry’
    Given the setup of all their other ads that would imply that they were
    hungry when they shouted this shit and they needed a snickers to be
    assholes again.

  7. the punchline of this extremely sexist ad is “you arent you when you’re
    hungry” implying that the only reason the builders are saying this is
    because they’re hungry… which means that they dont mean what they’re
    saying, its not them, so no this ad is not fighting for gender equality,
    its mocking it

  8. due to the set up of all their other ads this doesnt make much sense, but
    im hoping these guys are being themselves because they ate a snickers.

  9. lol, whoever wrote/approved this ad was probably fired.

    “Be a better person, stay away from Snickers.”

  10. Are there really that many people who get so butthurt over a silly joke? Do
    you not realize what a joke is? 

  11. First, “have a lovely day” and “that color really works for you” have
    frequently and specifically been said by feminists to NOT be polite
    compliments, but actually harassment which is on par with rape. Second,
    clearly this commercial is saying that these guys are broken and a Snickers
    bar will get them back to normal, which is an odd message for a commercial.

  12. LoL! Only, if the people on the streets were real feminists… they would
    be butt hurt and still complaining of sexism.

  13. And then they made blog posts about men cat calling them stating that
    because the cat calls had nothing to do with their looks they now feel ugly.


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